Our family has been blessed to Homeschool our four children. We count it as an abundant blessing to be the primary educators in our childrens lives. We take every opportunity to teach our children in the way they should go...and our prayer is that when they are old they will not depart from it.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Grade 5 Week 16
The Bible
Abraham Lincoln's World: Gold pg 200-201, Canada pg 201-202, Corn and Potatoes pg 203, The Year 1848 pg 204-208
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 15, More About Bones [or, in the 2002 edition, 5. More About Bones]
Story of Inventions Ch.7 cont: Making His First Sewing Machine - Exhibiting the Machine (pgs 149-154)
Madam and Lady Why Ch 10 Field and Wild from "And where did men get the grass seeds from?" to "and lived quietly side by side for ages." (pg 203-209)
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
biography of Alexander Graham Bell to be read over the 12 week term as desired
Oliver Twist: ch. 15-19
Age of Fable ch 22 The rural deities
Grade 2 Week 16
The Bible
Tree in the Trail chapter 23, 24
Burgess Animal Book XXXI Bobby Coon Arrives, XXXII Buster Bear Nearly Breaks Up School
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcombe Riley
Wind in Willows: ch. 4
Parables of Nature ch 9 The Circle of Blessing
Grade Nine Week Sixteen
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 163-166: Some Causes of Lying
The English Constitution 4 The House of Lords first half
Common Sense by Thomas Paine 3 Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs
War of the Worldviews ch 2 Worldviews in Conflict
History of Rasselas ch 13-15
She Stoops to Conquer, a play; read Act III
Land of Little Rain 5 OR Selbourne Letters XXIII-XXXII OR Life of the Fly ch 6
The God Who is There Section 2, ch 1, 2
Age of Revolution, use this week to catch up if necessary
Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield
Autobiography of Ben Franklin
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Grade 5 Week 15
Abraham Lincoln's World: Authors and Visitors pg 184-186, Telegraph and Photograph pg 187-189, On To The West pg 190-196, To The Halls of Montezuma pg 197-199
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 14, The Bones [or, in the 2002 edition, 5. Bones]
Story of Inventions Ch.7: Elias Howe and the Invention of the Sewing Machine - The First Sewing Machines (pgs 141-148)
biography of Alexander Graham Bell to be read over the 12 week term as desired
Age of Fable ch 20 Ariadne
Week 15, Grade 2
The Little Duke second half of ch 9
Tree in the Trail chapter 26, 27
Burgess Animal Book XXXV Lightfoot, Blacktail and Forkhorn, XXXVI Bugler, Flathorns and Wanderhoof
Wind in Willows: ch. 6
Monday, December 12, 2011
Grade Nine Week Fifteen
The God Who is There Section 1, ch 5
Age of Revolution; Austrian Succession
She Stoops to Conquer, a play; read Act II
The English Constitution 3 The Monarchy second half
Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks)
Common Sense by Thomas Paine 2 Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession
War of the Worldviews ch 1 Preparing for Battle (second half)
History of Rasselas ch 9-12
Land of Little Rain 4 OR Selbourne Letters XII-XXII OR Life of the Fly ch 5
How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 16 over the next 2 or 3 weeks
Simonds History of American Literature IV. Poetry of the Revolution
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Grade 5 Week 14
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 13, The Smell, the Taste and the Touch [or, in the 2002 edition, 4. Smell, Taste and Touch]
Story of Inventions Ch.6 cont: Inventing the Cotton Gin - end of chapter (pgs 129-140)
biography of Alexander Graham Bell to be read over the 12 week term as desired
Oliver Twist: ch. 4-8
Age of Fable ch 20 Bacchus
Grade 2 Week 14
The Little Duke second half of ch 7
Tree in the Trail chapter 20, 21
Burgess Animal Book XXVII Reddy Fox Joins the School, XXVIII Old Man Coyote and Howler the Wolf
Wind in Willows: ch. 2
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Grade Nine Week Fourteen
The God Who is There Section 1, ch 3, 4
Age of Revolution, Sir Robert Walpole
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (23 paragraphs)
Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield
The English Constitution 3 The Monarchy first half
Common Sense by Thomas Paine 1 Of the Origin and Design of Government in General
War of the Worldviews ch 1 Preparing for Battle 21 (first half)
History of Rasselas ch 4-8
She Stoops to Conquer, a play; read Act I (there are 5 acts; do one per week)
Land of Little Rain ch 3 OR Selbourne Letters V-XI OR Life of the Fly ch 3, 4
Simonds History of American Literature III. The Second Half of the Century
Monday, December 5, 2011
Grade 11 Week 13
Week 13
The Cost of Discipleship ch 1 (Costly Grace)
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 264-278 of ch 7 1940-1941 (14 pgs)
Mein Kampf Book 1 ch 1, 2Here is Your War ch 1, 2
Franklin Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor address, December 8, 1941 "a day that will live in infamy" #4Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 1
"The Medium is the Metaphor"Short essay about the Trial of Nuremberg
Study/Folksongs/HymnsForeign Language
On Writing Well ch 16
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn lesson 12