Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Grade 5 Week 12

This Country of Ours ch 75. Tyler - Florida Becomes a State
Abraham Lincoln's World: Slavery What To Do About It pg 150-153, Abe Lincoln of New Salem pg 154-157, Remember the Alamo pg 158-162, On To Oregon pg 162-164
Of Courage Undaunted pg 153-163
Story of Inventions Ch.5 cont: Richard Arkwright & the Water Frame - end of chapter (pgs 107-120)
Madam and Lady Why Ch 9 The Coral-Reef from "But you said that the coal was made from plants" to end of chapter (pg 183-187)
Pyle's King Arthur: Gawaine ch. 2 and 3 or Roger Lancelyn Green: Bk 4 ch 3 The Last Battle, Epilogue: Avalon
Age of Fable ch 19 Theseus

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