Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nature Lesson Week 5

Along with our nature walk today I would like you to read Parables From Nature, by Mrs. Alfred Gatty, read A Lesson of Faith pg. 5. As we are walking today, I would like you to narrate the story for me, so try and remember the story as written, and look deeper into the meaning of the parable and how it may apply to your life.
We are also going to be studying some of the birds that we see today at the conservation area. I would like you to read chapter chapter 33 (A Royal Dresser and A Late Nester) in the Burgess Bird Book for Children, by Thornton W. Burgess.

The Handbook of Nature Study, by Anna Botsford Comstock, tells us some amazing things about nature and our environment. I would like you to start reading at page 130 about geese. We are going to continue reading until the questions and observations page. Read through the observations and as we are out for our nature walk we can see if we are able to catch a glimpse at a Canada Goose. In your nature journal answer questions 1 and 3.

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