Our family has been blessed to Homeschool our four children. We count it as an abundant blessing to be the primary educators in our childrens lives. We take every opportunity to teach our children in the way they should go...and our prayer is that when they are old they will not depart from it.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Grade 5 Week 16
The Bible
Abraham Lincoln's World: Gold pg 200-201, Canada pg 201-202, Corn and Potatoes pg 203, The Year 1848 pg 204-208
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 15, More About Bones [or, in the 2002 edition, 5. More About Bones]
Story of Inventions Ch.7 cont: Making His First Sewing Machine - Exhibiting the Machine (pgs 149-154)
Madam and Lady Why Ch 10 Field and Wild from "And where did men get the grass seeds from?" to "and lived quietly side by side for ages." (pg 203-209)
Poetry of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
biography of Alexander Graham Bell to be read over the 12 week term as desired
Oliver Twist: ch. 15-19
Age of Fable ch 22 The rural deities
Grade 2 Week 16
The Bible
Tree in the Trail chapter 23, 24
Burgess Animal Book XXXI Bobby Coon Arrives, XXXII Buster Bear Nearly Breaks Up School
Poetry of Eugene Field and James Whitcombe Riley
Wind in Willows: ch. 4
Parables of Nature ch 9 The Circle of Blessing
Grade Nine Week Sixteen
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 163-166: Some Causes of Lying
The English Constitution 4 The House of Lords first half
Common Sense by Thomas Paine 3 Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs
War of the Worldviews ch 2 Worldviews in Conflict
History of Rasselas ch 13-15
She Stoops to Conquer, a play; read Act III
Land of Little Rain 5 OR Selbourne Letters XXIII-XXXII OR Life of the Fly ch 6
The God Who is There Section 2, ch 1, 2
Age of Revolution, use this week to catch up if necessary
Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield
Autobiography of Ben Franklin
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Grade 5 Week 15
Abraham Lincoln's World: Authors and Visitors pg 184-186, Telegraph and Photograph pg 187-189, On To The West pg 190-196, To The Halls of Montezuma pg 197-199
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 14, The Bones [or, in the 2002 edition, 5. Bones]
Story of Inventions Ch.7: Elias Howe and the Invention of the Sewing Machine - The First Sewing Machines (pgs 141-148)
biography of Alexander Graham Bell to be read over the 12 week term as desired
Age of Fable ch 20 Ariadne
Week 15, Grade 2
The Little Duke second half of ch 9
Tree in the Trail chapter 26, 27
Burgess Animal Book XXXV Lightfoot, Blacktail and Forkhorn, XXXVI Bugler, Flathorns and Wanderhoof
Wind in Willows: ch. 6
Monday, December 12, 2011
Grade Nine Week Fifteen
The God Who is There Section 1, ch 5
Age of Revolution; Austrian Succession
She Stoops to Conquer, a play; read Act II
The English Constitution 3 The Monarchy second half
Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks)
Common Sense by Thomas Paine 2 Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession
War of the Worldviews ch 1 Preparing for Battle (second half)
History of Rasselas ch 9-12
Land of Little Rain 4 OR Selbourne Letters XII-XXII OR Life of the Fly ch 5
How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 16 over the next 2 or 3 weeks
Simonds History of American Literature IV. Poetry of the Revolution
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Grade 5 Week 14
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 13, The Smell, the Taste and the Touch [or, in the 2002 edition, 4. Smell, Taste and Touch]
Story of Inventions Ch.6 cont: Inventing the Cotton Gin - end of chapter (pgs 129-140)
biography of Alexander Graham Bell to be read over the 12 week term as desired
Oliver Twist: ch. 4-8
Age of Fable ch 20 Bacchus
Grade 2 Week 14
The Little Duke second half of ch 7
Tree in the Trail chapter 20, 21
Burgess Animal Book XXVII Reddy Fox Joins the School, XXVIII Old Man Coyote and Howler the Wolf
Wind in Willows: ch. 2
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Grade Nine Week Fourteen
The God Who is There Section 1, ch 3, 4
Age of Revolution, Sir Robert Walpole
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (23 paragraphs)
Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield
The English Constitution 3 The Monarchy first half
Common Sense by Thomas Paine 1 Of the Origin and Design of Government in General
War of the Worldviews ch 1 Preparing for Battle 21 (first half)
History of Rasselas ch 4-8
She Stoops to Conquer, a play; read Act I (there are 5 acts; do one per week)
Land of Little Rain ch 3 OR Selbourne Letters V-XI OR Life of the Fly ch 3, 4
Simonds History of American Literature III. The Second Half of the Century
Monday, December 5, 2011
Grade 11 Week 13
Week 13
The Cost of Discipleship ch 1 (Costly Grace)
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 264-278 of ch 7 1940-1941 (14 pgs)
Mein Kampf Book 1 ch 1, 2Here is Your War ch 1, 2
Franklin Roosevelt's Pearl Harbor address, December 8, 1941 "a day that will live in infamy" #4Amusing Ourselves to Death ch 1
"The Medium is the Metaphor"Short essay about the Trial of Nuremberg
Study/Folksongs/HymnsForeign Language
On Writing Well ch 16
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn lesson 12
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Grade 5 Week 12
Abraham Lincoln's World: Slavery What To Do About It pg 150-153, Abe Lincoln of New Salem pg 154-157, Remember the Alamo pg 158-162, On To Oregon pg 162-164
Of Courage Undaunted pg 153-163
Story of Inventions Ch.5 cont: Richard Arkwright & the Water Frame - end of chapter (pgs 107-120)
Madam and Lady Why Ch 9 The Coral-Reef from "But you said that the coal was made from plants" to end of chapter (pg 183-187)
Pyle's King Arthur: Gawaine ch. 2 and 3 or Roger Lancelyn Green: Bk 4 ch 3 The Last Battle, Epilogue: Avalon
Age of Fable ch 19 Theseus
Grade 2 week 12
An Island Story ch 32 Henry Plantagenet -The Story of the Conquest of Ireland
Child's History of the World ch 53 a Great Adventure ch 51 in 1st ed)
The Little Duke - second half of ch 6
Tree in the Trail chapter 17, 18
Burgess Animal Book XXIII Digger and His Cousn Glutton, XXIV Shadow and His Family
Understood Betsy: ch. 11
Grade Nine Week Thirteen
Age of Revolution, The House of Hanover
Autobiography of Ben Franklin
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 156-162: Spoken Truth
The English Constitution 2 The Constitution second half
Common Sense by Thomas Paine Introduction
War of the Worldviews Preface and Introduction
Land of Little Rain ch 1, 2 OR Selbourne to end of Letter IV OR Life of the Fly ch 1, 2
The Story of Painting by H.W. Janson - this term, work through the section "Toward Revolution"
Simonds History of American Literature II. Benjamin Franklin
The God Who is There Section 1, ch 1, 2
Letters to His Son by Lord Chesterfield
History of Rasselas ch 1-3 (these are very short chapters)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Grade 11 Week 12
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul ch 9
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 240-263 of ch 6 1936-1939 (23 pgs)
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 115 Four Sheepish Small Boys to 126 Quentin Grown-up
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain ch 12
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch 36-end
Speech: Winston Churchill "Their finest hour" June 18, 1940
Six Easy Pieces: pg 81-88 Other forms of energy
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave ch 12 "Who Shall Overcome?"
Ourselves by CM Book II pg 93 (The Words of Christ)-96
Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson: ch 12. The Drive for Exports
The World: Life and Travel by Jan Morris pgs 133-144
Foreign Language
On Writing Well ch 15
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn lesson 11
Monday, November 21, 2011
Grade Nine Week Twelve
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Age of Revolution, Treaty of Utrechte (last half this week)
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (26 paragraphs)
Life of Washington ch 13
Coverley Papers: 359 Budgell, 383 Addison, 517
Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms ch 9-12
Battle of the Books--take 2 weeks to read this
The English Constitution 2 The Constitution first half
Mere Christianity 10. Nice People or New Men?, 11. The New Men
Marshall's English Literature 66 Dick Steele
Monday, November 14, 2011
Grade 5 Week 11
The Bible
This Country of Ours ch 74. Harrison - The Hero of Tippecanoe
Abraham Lincoln's World: Time Makes an Old Idea New pg 139-142, The Sultan's Guest pg 142-144, India pg 145-146, Li Hung Chang A Boy of China pg 147-149
Of Courage Undaunted pg 137-152
Explore the Holy Land, Israel, ch 3 OR Hillyer's Childs Geography of the World ch 20, 21 OR Halliburton
Wild Animals I Have Known: Redruff
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 11, How the Eye is Guarded [or, in the 2002 edition, 4. How the Eye is Guarded]
Story of Inventions Ch.5: Invention of the Spinning Machines - James Hargreaves & the Spinning Jenny (pgs 101-106)
Madam and Lady Why Ch 9 The Coral-Reef from "That is the history of the cocoa-nut crab." to "nothing is impossible with God." (pg 179-182)
Optional: Physics Lab in A Housewares Store: Chopsticks, p. 36
Spread this term's Shakespeare play and Life (from Plutarch's Lives) over the 12 week term
Poetry of Rudyard Kipling
biography of Isaac Newton to be read over the 12 week term as desired
Pyle's King Arthur: Pellias ch. 6, Gawaine ch. 1 or Roger Lancelyn Green: Bk 4 ch 1 Launcelot and Guinevere, ch 2 The Plots of Sir Mordred
Age of Fable ch 19 Hebe and Ganymede
Grade 2 Week 11
An Island Story ch 31 Henry Plantagenet - The Story of Thomas a Becket
Child's History of the World ch 52 A Pirate's Great Grandson (ch 50 in 1st ed)
The Little Duke - first half of ch 6
Tree in the Trail chapter 16
Burgess Animal Book XXI Flitter the Bat and His Family, XXII An Independent Family
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch. 10
Pilgrim's Progress
Parables of Nature ch 8 A Lesson of Hope
Grade 11 Week 11
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul ch 8
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 215-239 of ch 6 1932-1936 (24 pgs)
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 106 Changes of Three Centuries to 114
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain ch 11
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch 33-35
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave ch 11 Kierkegaard
Ourselves by CM Book II pg 91 (Christ Presented in the Gospels)-93
Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson: ch 11. Who's "Protected" by Tariffs?
The World: Life and Travel by Jan Morris pgs pg 122-132 (last third of ch 10)
Our National Parks by John Muir ch 10
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn lesson 10
Grade 9 Week 11
Coverley Papers: 269 Addison, 329, 335 Addison
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (23 paragraphs)
Life of Washington ch 12
Essay on Man: 4- Happiness
Battle of the Books--take 2 weeks to read this
The English Constitution 1 Introduction second half
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Age of Revolution, Treaty of Utrechte (first half this week)
Mere Christianity 6. Two Notes, 7. Let's Pretend, 8. Is Christianity Hard?, 9. Counting the Cost
Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms ch 5-8
Friday, November 11, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Grade 11 week 10
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul second half of ch 7
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 195-214 of ch 5 1930-1932 (19 pgs)
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 96 What the President Saw at panama to 105 Trials of a Travelling President
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain ch 10
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch 29-32
Speech: Henry Louis "Lou" Gehrig's farewell to baseball speech July 4, 1939 "the luckiest man on the face of this earth" #73 (also see biography on the site)
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave ch 10 John Maynard Keyes
Ourselves by CM Book II pg 89 (Sentimental Humanity)-91
Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson: ch 10. The Fetish of Full Employment
The World: Life and Travel by Jan Morris pgs 112-122 (middle of ch 10)
Short Story: Edgar Allen Poe - The Fall of the House of Usher
Poetry: Edna St Vincent Millay
Our National Parks by John Muir ch 9 (second half)
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn lesson 9
Grade Nine Week Ten
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Age of Revolution, Oudenarde and Malplaquet (last half this week)
Coverley Papers: 130, 131, 132 Steele
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (23 paragraphs)
Life of Washington ch 11
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg150-155: Truth: Justice in Word
The English Constitution 1 Introduction first half
Mere Christianity 3. Time and Beyond, 4. Good Infection, 5. The Obstinate Toy Soldier
Marshall's English Literature 65 Joseph Addison "the Spectator"
Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms ch 1-4
Tale of a Tub: The Conclusion; read to the end
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Grade 11 Week 9
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul first half of ch 7
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 174-195 of ch 5 1927-1930 (21 pgs)
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 83 A Visit to Washington's Birthplace to 95
Six Easy Pieces: pg 80/81 Kinetic energy
Pride in America
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain ch 9
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch 26-28
Speech: Edward VIII abdicates the throne of England--December 11, 1936 "the woman I love"
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave ch 9 John Dewey
Ourselves by CM Book II pg 87 (Interpretation)-89
Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson: ch 9. Disbanding Troops and Bureaucrats
The World: Life and Travel by Jan Morris pgs 100-112 (first third of ch 10)
All Quiet on the Western Front ch 9
The Great Gatsby ch 7 (second third)
Grade 9, Week 9
Coverley Papers: 128, 129
Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 112-121 summary-end
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (23 Paragraphs)
Life of Washington ch 10
Age of Revolution, Oudenarde and Malplaquet (first half this week)
Mere Christianity 1. Making and Begetting, 2. The Three-Personal God
How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 15 over the next 2 or 3 weeks
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to Laputa,ch 8
Tale of a Tub: Section X.--A Farther Digression, Section XI.--A Tale Of A Tub
Week 9, Grade 5
Of Courage Undaunted pg 111-123
Wild Animals I Have Known: The Pacing Mustang
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 9, How the Mind Gets Knowledge [or, in the 2002 edition, skip this week]
Story of Inventions Ch.4: Invention of the Electric Engine & Electric Locomotive - The Electromagnet (pgs 83-92)
Madam and Lady Why Ch 9 The Coral-Reef from "Then he was very lucky that she did not" to "such as this stone is partly made of." (pg 171-174)
Poetry of Rudyard Kipling
Pyle's King Arthur: Pellias ch. 2 and 3 or Roger Lancelyn Green: Bk 3 ch 5 Adventures of Sir Launcelot, ch 6 Launcelot and Gawain Came to Carbonek
Age of Fable ch 19 Hercules spend 2 weeks as needed
Week 9, Grade 2
Trial and Triumph 12. Anselm Theologian, Monk, Archbishop (1033-1109 AD)
The Little Duke - first half of ch 5
Tree in the Trail chapter 13
Burgess Animal Book XVII Three Little Redcoats and Some Others, XVIII Mice with Pockets, and Others
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch. 8
Pilgrim's Progress
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Grade 11 Week 8
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul second half of ch 6
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 153-174 of ch 4 and 5 1924-1927 (21 pgs)
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 71 Incidents of a Southern Trip to 82 A Quentin Anecdote
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain ch 8
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch 22-25
Speech: Franklin
Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address March 4, 1933 "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
#37 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave ch 8 Sigmund Freud
Ourselves by CM Book II pg 83 (Indecision)-87
Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson: ch 8. Spread-the-Work Schemes
Essay:The World: Life and Travel by Jan Morris pgs 89-99 (ch 8 and 9)
Our National Parks by John Muir ch 8
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn lesson 7
Grade 9, Week 8
Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 100-111 ch 24
Mere Christianity 10. Hope, 11. Faith, 12. also titled Faith
Tale of a Tub: Section IX.--A Digression Concerning The Original
Coverley Papers: 125, 126, 127
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (23 paragraphs)
Essay on Man: 3- Society
Marshall's English Literature 64 Swift
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to Laputa, Etc ch 4-7
Grade 5 Week 8
Trial and Triumph ch 38. John Paton Witness to the Cannibals (1824-1907) pg. 233
Of Courage Undaunted pg 100-111
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 8, Brain and Nerves [or, in the 2002 edition, 3. The Brain and Nerves]
Story of Inventions Ch.3 cont: Stephenson's First Locomotive - end of chapter 69-82)
Madam and Lady Why Ch 9 The Coral-Reef from "But what are these curious sea-creatures called" to "teased her till she was quite angry." (pg 166-171)
Pyle's King Arthur: Merlin ch. 4 and conclusion, Pellias ch. 1 or Roger Lancelyn Green: Bk 3 ch 3 Adventure of Sir Percivale, ch 4 Adventures of Sir Bors de GannisAge of Fable ch 18 Atalanta
Grade 2 Week 8
The Little Duke - second half of chapter 4
Tree in the Trail chapter 11, 12
Burgess Animal Book XV Two Unlike Little Cousins, XVI Danny's Northern CousinsS, and Nimbleheels
Understood Betsy: ch. 7
Pilgrim's Progress
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Grade 11 week 7
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul first half of ch 6
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 133-153 of ch 4 1921-1924 (20 pgs)
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 62 Abernethy the Wolf Hunter to 70 Advice Regarding Newspaper Annoyances
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain ch 7
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch 20, 21
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave ch 7 "The Coming of the Strange Fire"
Ourselves by CM Book II pg 79-83
Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson: ch 7. The Curse of Machinery
The World: Life and Travel by Jan Morris pgs 78-88 (ch 7)
All Quiet on the Western Front ch 7
The Great Gatsby ch 6
Poetry: Edna St Vincent Millay
Our National Parks by John Muir ch 7
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn lesson 6
Monday, October 17, 2011
Grade 2 Week 7
The Bible
An Island Story ch 27 The Story of William the Red
Child's History of the World ch 50 Real Castles (ch 48 in 1st ed) OR Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 15 The Hardy Northmen/Story of Mankind ch 31 Central Europe
The Little Duke - first half of chapter 4
Tree in the Trail chapter 10
Burgess Animal Book XIII A Worker and a Robber, XIV A Trader and a Handsome Fellow
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch. 6
Lamb's or Nesbit's Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
Pilgrim's Progress
Spelling list
Grade 5 Week 7
The Bible
This Country of Ours ch 70. Madison - War With Great Britain
Abraham Lincoln's World: Benito Juarez A Boy of Mexico pg 84-87, Toda America Es Mi Patria pg 88-91, Citizens of the World pg 92-94, Victoria Is Born pg 95
Of Courage Undaunted pg 86-98
Explore the Holy Land, Israel, ch 1 OR Hillyer's Childs Geography of the World ch 12, 13 OR Halliburton
Wild Animals I Have Known: Bingo
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 7, Breathing [or, in the 2002 edition, 3. Breathing]
Story of Inventions Ch.3: George Stephenson & the Invention of the Locomotive - The First Railroads & Locomotives (pgs 55-68)
Madam and Lady Why Ch 9 The Coral-Reef from beginning to "old guess is actual fact and true." (pg 162-166)
Optional: Physics Lab in A Housewares Store: Bottle-cap Opener, p. 32
Spread this term's Shakespeare play and Life (from Plutarch's Lives) over the 12 week term
Poetry of Rudyard Kipling
biography of Isaac Newton to be read over the 12 week term as desired
Pyle's King Arthur: The Three Worthies: Prologue and Merlin ch. 1, 2, and 3 or Roger Lancelyn Green: Bk 3 ch 1 Holy Grail Came to Camelot, ch 2 First Adventures of Sir Galahad
Age of Fable ch 18 Meleager
Spelling List
Grade Nine Week Seven
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (23 paragraphs)
Life of Washington ch 8
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 140-149: Justice to the Persons of Others
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Age of Revolution, Marlborough (first half this week)
Tale of a Tub: Section VII--A Digression In Praise Of Digressions, Section VIII.--A Tale Of A Tub
Coverley Papers: 121, 122, 123
Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 86-99 ch 19-23
Mere Christianity 7. Forgiveness, 8. The Great Sin, 9. Charity
Gulliver's Travels Part III-A Voyage to Laputa, Etc ch 1-3
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Week 6, Grade 11
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul second half of ch 4
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 3 (pg 80-111) 1914-1918 (31 pgs)
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 43 Merits of Military and Civil Life to 53 Bill the Lizard
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain ch 5
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch 13-16
Speech: Woodrow Wilson, entering World War I, April 2, 1917 "War Message" #19
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave ch 5 Marxism
Ourselves by CM Book II pg 75-77 Philosophy
Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson: ch 5. Taxes Discourage Production
The World: Life and Travel by Jan Morris pgs 51-63 (ch 4 and 5)
Short Story: Nathaniel Hawthorne - My Kinsman, Major Molineax
All Quiet on the Western Front ch 5
The Great Gatsby ch 4
Our National Parks by John Muir ch 5
On Writing Well ch 7
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn lesson 4
Grade Nine Week Six
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Age of Revolution, The Spanish Succession (last half this week)
Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 74-85 ch 16-18
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (23 paragraphs)
Life of Washington ch 7
Coverley Papers: 119 Addison, 120
Mere Christianity 5. Sexual Morality, 6. Christian Marriage
How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 14 over the next 2 or 3 weeks
Marshall's English Literature 63 Swift
Gulliver's Travels Part II-A Voyage to Brobdingnag ch 7, 8
Tale of a Tub: Section V.--A Digression In The Modern Kind, Section VI.--A Tale Of A Tub
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Week 5 grade 11
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul second half of ch 4
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century ch 3 (pg 80-111) 1914-1918 (31 pgs)
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 43 Merits of Military and Civil Life to 53 Bill the Lizard
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain ch 5
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch 13-16
Speech: Woodrow Wilson, entering World War I, April 2, 1917 "War Message" #19
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave ch 5 Marxism
Ourselves by CM Book II pg 75-77 Philosophy
Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson: ch 5. Taxes Discourage Production
The World: Life and Travel by Jan Morris pgs 51-63 (ch 4 and 5)
Short Story: Nathaniel Hawthorne - My Kinsman, Major Molineax
All Quiet on the Western Front ch 5
The Great Gatsby ch 4
Our National Parks by John Muir ch 5
On Writing Well ch 7
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn lesson 4
Week 5 Grade 2
This Country of Ours ch. 1 (How the Vikings...)
Trial and Triumph 11. Alfred the Great Christian King (847-899 AD)
The Little Duke - first half of chapter 3
Tree in the Trail chapter 7
Burgess Animal Book IX Two Queer Little Haymakers, X Prickly Porky and Grubby Gopher
Understood Betsy: ch. 4
Pilgrim's Progress
Grade 5 Week 5
Abraham Lincoln's World: Back to the Kings Again pg 56-60, Of Courage Undaunted pg 63-77
Wild Animals I Have Known: Silverspot, 2nd half
Abraham Lincoln's World: Trails to the West pg 65-66
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 5, More About the Teeth [or, in the 2002 edition, 2. More About Teeth]
Story of Inventions Ch.2 cont: Building the Clermont - end of chapter (pgs 46-54)
Abraham Lincoln's World: Goes to Indiana pg 67-70,
Madam and Lady Why Ch 8 Madam How's Two Grandsons from "And what was that?" to "orming at the bottom of the sea." (pg 154-158)
Pyle's King Arthur: Part III, The Winning of a Queen, ch. 3 and 4
Abraham Lincoln's World: Abe Robert Lee of Virginia pg 71-73
Age of Fable ch 17 The Golden Fleece
This Country of Ours ch 68. Jefferson - About an American Who Wanted To Be a King
Grade Nine Week Five
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (23 Paragraphs)
Life of Washington ch 6
Essay on Man: 2- Himself as an Individual
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Age of Revolution, The Spanish Succession (first half this week)
Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 62-73 ch 13-15
Gulliver's Travels Part II-A Voyage to Brobdingnag ch 4 and 6
Mere Christianity 2. The Cardinal Virtues, 3. Social Morality, 4. Morality and Phsycoanalysis
Coverley Papers: 116 Budgell, 117 Addison, 118 Steele
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 10 A Business Meeting, ch 11 Duello, ch 12 Happy Marriage
Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: A Country Sunday
Tale of a Tub: Section IV.--A Tale Of A Tub
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Grade Eleven, Week 4
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul first half of ch 4
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 61-79 of ch 2 1911-1914 (18 pgs)
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 30 Concerning Getting Smashed 42 A Day With a Juggler
Microbe Hunters ch 12 Paul Ehrlich (2 sections)
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain ch 4
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch 10-12
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave ch 4 Marx
Ourselves by CM Book II pg pg 74, 75 History, The Informed Patriot
Microbe Hunters ch 12 Paul Ehrlich (2 sections)
Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson: ch 4. Public Works Mean Taxes
The World: Life and Travel by Jan Morris pgs 37-50 (finish ch 3)
All Quiet on the Western Front ch 4
The Great Gatsby ch 3 (second half)
Poetry: Edna St Vincent Millay
Microbe Hunters ch 12 Paul Ehrlich (2 sections)
Microbe Hunters ch 12 Paul Ehrlich 1900
Our National Parks by John Muir ch 4
On Writing Well ch 6
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn lesson 3
Grade 2 Week 4
An Island Story ch 25 William the Conqueror - The Story of Hereward the Wake
Child's History of the World ch 49 The End of the World (ch 47 in 1st ed)
The Little Duke - second half of chapter 2
Tree in the Trail chapter 5, 6
Burgess Animal Book VII Johnny Chuck Joins the Class, VIII Whistler and Yap Yap Join the Class
Understood Betsy: ch. 3
Pilgrim's Progress
Grade 5 Week 4
This Country of Ours ch 67 Jefferson - How the Door Into the Far West Was Opened
Pyle's King Arthur
Of Courage Undaunted pg 50-54
Age of Fable ch 16 Pegasus and the Chimaera,
This Country of Ours ch 67 Abraham Lincoln's World: A Boy and a Fish pg 44,
Pyle's King Arthur:Part III, The Winning of a Queen, ch. 1
Of Courage Undaunted pg 54-58
Age of Fable ch 16 the Centaurus,
Madam and Lady Why Ch 8 Madam How's Two Grandsons from "Well; that is very curious." to "right way, in which Madam How made it." (pg 151-154)
This Country of Ours ch 67 Napoleon Defeated pg 45-48,
Pyle's King Arthur: Part III, The Winning of a Queen, 2
Of Courage Undaunted pg 58-61
Age of Fable ch 16 the Pygmies
Wild Animals I Have Known: Silverspot, first half
This Country of Ours ch 67 The Very Young William Gladstone pg 48-50,
Just Before and After the End pg 51-55
Trial and Triumph ch 37. David Livingstone Missionary Explorer (1813-1873) pg. 227
Story of Inventions Ch.2 cont: Studying Art in London - Experimenting with Steamboats (pgs 37-45)
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 4, The Stomach and the Teeth
Age of Fable ch 16 the Gryphon
Explore the Holy Land, Turkey, ch 2
Grade 9 Week 4
Autobiography of Ben Franklin
Life of Washington ch 5
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 136-139: Justice Universal
Coverley Papers: 113 Steele, 114, 115 Addison
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 8 Love and Sorrow, ch 9 Love and Reason
Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: The Picture Gallery
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Age of Revolution, Continental War (last half this week)
Gulliver's Travels Part II-A Voyage to Brobdingnag ch 1-3
Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 49-61 Washington's Farewell Address-ch 12
Simonds History of American Literature I. The First Half of the Century
Tale of a Tub: Section III.--A Digression Concerning Critics
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Grade 5 Week 3
The Bible
This Country of Ours ch 66. Jefferson - How the Territory of the United States Was
Abraham Lincoln's World: 1812 in South America pg 32-35, To Moscow and Return pg 36-38, Don't Give Up the Ship pg 39-40, Andrew Jackson the Indian Fighter pg 41-44
Of Courage Undaunted pg 33-49
Explore the Holy Land, Turkey, ch 2 OR Hillyer's Childs Geography of the World ch 5 Wild Animals I Have Known: Lobo, last 3rd
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 3, Mother Earth [or, in the 2002 edition, 1. The Dust of the Earth]
Story of Inventions Ch.2: Robert Fulton & the Invention of the Steamboat - Fulton's Early Life pgs 25-36)
Madam and Lady Why Ch 8 Madam How's Two Grandsons from "Why?" "Think now.." to "every time you breathe." (pg 148-151)
Poetry of Rudyard Kipling
biography of Isaac Newton to be read over the 12 week term as desired
Pyle's King Arthur: Part II, The Winning of a Sword, ch. 2 and 3 or Roger Lancelyn Green: Bk 2 ch 1 Sir Gawain and Green Knight, ch 2 First Quest of Sir Launcelot
Age of Fable ch 16 Monsters, The Sphinx
Grade 2 Week 3
Child's History of the World ch 48 Getting a Start (ch 46? in 1st edition) OR
Synge's Discovery of New Worlds ch 13 King Arthur and His Knights
The Little Duke - first half of chapter 2
Tree in the Trail chapter 4
Burgess Animal Book V The Squirrels of the Trees, VI Striped Chipmunk and His Cousins
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Understood Betsy: ch. 2
An Island Story ch 24 The Battle of Hastings
Pilgrim's Progress
Parables of Nature ch 4 Knowledge Not The Limit of Belief
The Bible
Monday, September 19, 2011
Grade 9 Week 3
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Age of Revolution, Continental War (first half this week)
Autobiography of Ben Franklin
Life of Washington ch 4
Essay on Man: 1 - The Universe
Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 36-48 ch 6-10
The Problem of Pain 2 Divine Omnipotence
How to Read a Book, part 3 work in chapter 13 over the next two or three weeks
Coverley Papers: 110 Addison, 112
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 5 Marriage of Sister Jenny, ch 6 A Case of Spleen, ch 7 The Dream of Fame
Gulliver's Travels Part I-A Voyage to Lilliput ch 6-8
Tale of a Tub: Section II.
Grade 11 Week Three.
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul ch 3
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 41-61 of chs 1 and 2 1907-1911 (20 pgs)
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 18 Western Customs and Scenery to 29 Proper Place for Sports
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain ch 3
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch 7-9
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave ch 3 "Social Darwinism"
Ourselves by CM Book II pg 71-73 Poetry, Novels, Essays
Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson: ch 3. The Blessings of Destruction
Essay: Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation by Ronald Reagan
The World: Life and Travel by Jan Morris pgs 27-37 (middle of ch 3)
Short Story Nathaniel Hawthorne - Young Goodman Brown
All Quiet on the Western Front ch 3
The Great Gatsby ch 3 (first half)
Microbe Hunters ch 11 Walter Reed (there are 7 sections; space it out for the week if desired) 1902
Our National Parks by John Muir ch 3 Yosemite: 'Nearly all the park is a profound solitude. Yet it is full of...God's thoughts.'
On Writing Well ch 5
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn lesson 2
Janson's History of Art - work through Part IV: 4 20th Cent Painting and Sculpture during this term
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Grade 11 Week 2
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 22-41 of ch ch 1 1904-1907
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 7 Advice and News to 17 Tame Wild Creatures
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain ch 2
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch 4-6
Speech: Teddy Roosevelt "The Man with the Muck Rake"--April 15, 1906 #16
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave ch 2 "Thinking Further About Science" d
Ourselves by CM Book II pg 69-70 Moral Judgements and a Virtuous Life
This term's Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare
Hazlitt Economics in One Lesson: Pt Two: The Lesson Applied ch 2. The Broken Window
Essay: Wikipedia's entry defining what an essay is
The World: Life and Travel by Jan Morris pgs 11-27 (half of ch 2, part of ch 3)
All Quiet on the Western Front ch 2
The Great Gatsby ch 2
Microbe Hunters ch 10 Ross vs Grassi (there are 8 sections; space it out for the week if desired) 1900
Monday, September 12, 2011
Grade Five, Week Two
This Country of Ours ch 65. Adams - How He Kept Peace With France
Abraham Lincoln's World: Ships and Trops and Businessmen pg 18-22,
Explore the Holy Land, Turkey, ch 1
Abraham Lincoln's World: Tecumseh The Falling Star pg 23-24,
Wild Animals I Have Known: Lobo, 2nd third
Of Courage Undaunted pg 20-31
Pyle's King Arthur: Part I The Winning of Kinghood, ch. 3,
Madam and Lady Why Ch 8 Madam How's Two Grandsons from "So now Analysis has got the upper hand" to "believe that he understands what he says." (pg 145-148)
Abraham Lincoln's World: Sam Houston Becomes The Raven pg 25-27,
Story of Inventions Ch.1 cont: Finding the Trouble - end of chapter (pgs 11-24)
Poetry of Rudyard Kipling
Abraham Lincoln's World: The Year 1812 in North America pg 28-31
Pyle's King Arthur: Part II The Winning of a Sword, ch. 1
Age of Fable ch 15 The Sea Monster, the wedding feast
Week Two Grade Two
An Island Story ch 23 The Battle of Stamford Bridge
Child's History of the World ch 47 Two Empires, Two Empires (ch 45 in 1st ed) Charlemagne
The Little Duke - second half of chapter 1
Tree in the Trail chapter 2,
Tree in the Trail chapter 3
Burgess Animal Book III More of Peter's Long-Legged Cousins, IV Chatterer and
Happy Jack Join
Understood Betsy: ch. 1
Pilgrim's Progress
Poetry of Walter de la Mare everyday
Grade Nine Week 2
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Age of Revolution, William of Orange (last half this week)
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks)
Essay on Man: The Design
Simonds American Literature IV Puritan Poetry in New England, last section on Cotton and Increase Mather
Microbe Hunters ch 2 Spallanzani (there are 7 sections; space it out for the Week if desired)
Coverley Papers: 107 Steele, 108 Addison, 109 Steele
Isaac Bickerstaff ch 3 Pacolet's Story, ch 4 Recollections
Life of Washington ch 3
Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 17-35 ch 2-5
Mere Christianity 4. What Lies Behind the Law, 5. We Have Cause to be Uneasy OR The Problem of Pain 1 Introductory
Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: Mr Will Wimble
Gulliver's Travels Part I-A Voyage to Lilliput ch 3-5
Tale of a Tub: Section I.--The Introduction
Monday, September 5, 2011
Welcome Back Grade Nine, Week One
Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson
Age of Revolution, William of Orange (first half this week)
Are You Liberal, Conservative? pg 10-16 Introduction-ch 1
Gulliver's Travels Part I-A Voyage to Lilliput ch 1, 2
Autobiography of Ben Franklin (this book has no chapters; estimate and read portions over 16 weeks)
Life of Washington ch 1, 2
CM's Ourselves Book 1 pg 131-135: Gladness
Microbe Hunters ch 1 Leeuwenhook (there are 4 sections; space it out for the Week if desired)
Tale of a Tub: The Preface
Coverley Papers: 1 Addison, 2 Steele, 106 Addison
Days with Sir Roger DeCoverley: Sir Roger's Family
Royal Road to Romance ch 1, 2
Mere Christianity 1. Law of Human Nature, 2. Some Objections, 3. The Reality of the Law
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Welcome Back Grade Eleven Week One
Week 01
The Holiness of God by R. C. Sproul ch 1
The Americanization of Edward Bok ch1 -4
Six Easy Pieces: pg 69-72 What is energy?
7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave Preface, Introduction, ch 1 (Darwin)
Ourselves by CM Book II pg 68,69 Sound Moral Judgement
Matthew nery's Commentary
Roosevelt's Letters to His Children from 1 In The Spanish War to 6 The Pig Named Maude
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain introduction and ch 1
Haslitte economics: chapter one
This term's Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare
In Defense of the Essay By Christopher Orlet
South chapter 1
All Quiet on the Western Front ch 1
The Great Gatsby ch 1
Microbe Hunters ch 9 Bruce (there are 9 sections; space it out for the week if desired) 1924
Our National Parks by John Muir ch 1: 'Give a month at least to this precious reserve. The time will not be taken from the sum of your life. Instead of shortening, it will indefinitely lengthen it and make you truly immortal. Nevermore will time seem short or long, and cares will never again fall heavily on you, but gently and kindly as gifts from heaven.'
Picture Study
Foreign Language
On Writing Well ch 1, 2
The Thinking Toolbox by Nathaniel and Hans Bluedorn introduction or preface
Janson's History of Art - work through Part IV: 4 20th Cent Painting and Sculpture during this term(3 pages week)
Gilbert's History of the 20th Century pg 1-21 of ch 1 1900-1904 (21 pgs)
Welcome Back Grade Five Week One
The Bible
This Country of Ours ch This Country of Ours ch 64. Washington First in War, First in Peace
Abraham Lincoln's World: 1809 pg ix-x, Napoleon pg 5-8, The Next Emperor pg 9-10, Because of England and Napoleon pg 11--14, Young Creoles of Venezuela pg 15-18
Trial and Triumph ch 36. William Carey Father of Modern Missions (1761-1834) pg. 219
Of Courage Undaunted (Across the Continent with Lewis and Clark) pg 13-20
Explore the Holy Land, Turkey, ch 1
Wild Animals I Have Known: Lobo, first third
Christian Liberty Nature Reader 5: ch. 1, What is Made from the Blood (teeth, tears, etc) [or, in the 2002 edition, 1. What is Made from Blood? part a]
Madam and Lady Why Ch 8 Madam How's Two Grandsons from beginning to "beautiful work than he has ever yet done in the world." (pg 141-145 in the Yesterday's Classics reprint)
Story of Inventions Ch.1: James Watt & the Invention of the Steam Engine - Captured by Steam (pgs 1-10)
Poetry of Rudyard Kipling
Pyle's King Arthur: Part I, The Winning of Kinghood, ch. 1 and 2 or Roger Lancelyn Green: Bk 1 ch 1 The Two Swords, ch 2 Balyn and Balan
Age of Fable ch 15 The Graeae, Perseus and Medusa, Perseus and Atlas
Isaak Newton (word doc for kindle)
Welcome Back Grade One Week 1
The Bible
An Island Story ch 22 Harold
Trial and Triumph 10. Charlemagne Protector of the Church (742-814 AD)
The Little Duke - first half of chapter 1
Tree in the Trail chapter 1
Burgess Animal Book I Jenny Wren Gives Peter Rabbit an Idea, II Peter and Jumper Go To School
Poetry of Walter de la Mare
Lamb's or Nesbit's Shakespeare: The Two Gentlemen of Verona
Pilgrim's Progress: about 800 words every week (you can download a text file that is broken down into weekly readings for two years, or 72 portions)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Why we do what we do...
Most of you would not know that I had the pleasure of being 'home-schooled' from grade six to grade nine....and my husbands family also 'home-schooled' his younger sister straight through high school. We have always had the support from both sides of our families in our decision to educate at home and this has been a blessing to us.
I have been asked many times why we have chosen to home school...after all it requires me to stay at home which means our family lives on one income. Our decision also means that we have to provide all of the curriculum for our children's education...there is no funding for this...so financially it doesn't make sense.
We believe that if we were to look at the home school decision based only on what makes sense on paper...we would be missing out on the most amazing opportunity that we have been given, to train up our children in the way they should go. When my husband and I started to have our children we started to talk about why we were wanting to home school. There is much discussion in christian circles about the benefits of 'sending our children out....being a light in our community...not sheltering them from the world...' and we just did not want to get caught up in the debates of the day. Instead we talked privately about who we wanted our children to grow up to be...and what we wanted them to learn...and from what viewpoint we wanted them to learn from. You see all education is taught from a viewpoint....I am not looking to shelter my children from hearing the other viewpoints I just want to be there to explain to my children the differing views and how that aligns with our family values. I want to spend the time with my children watching them learn and to be their encourager and biggest cheerleader.
If fact when people look at homeschooling and say things like...you must be a saint...or I couldn't do that....maybe they couldn't, but maybe, just maybe we are looking at it from opposite directions; you see I am looking at it from the perspective that I am so blessed to be given this opportunity. It's not some kind of drudgery to me....I get to be with my children, who God has so graciously given to me to raise...and I get to pour life into their souls...everyday...and I have the opportunity to choose curriculum that works for 'just them' not trying to fit them into the same box that every other 'jo' or 'sally' learns from. God made me to be the mom that he intended for these children...he has given me a desire for these children to succeed in both education and life....but even more important than that...He has given me a desire to see my children educated in the 'things of God' the everyday things. I feel that this was the right fit for our family...it might not be right for every family...and that's okay...really:)
If you are looking at home schooling and are unsure if you could do it...or if it will all work out, please know that there are many wonderful books out there to help answer those questions...and its okay if the questions might not always get answered....but if you have a desire to educate your children and you just know that is what is right for your family...jump in...it is the best ride of your life!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Homeschooling Resources: Link to a Give-A-Way
Monday, May 30, 2011
Grade 10 Week 36
The Attributes of God ch 17
Churchill: The South African War from "On January 22, 1901, Queen Victoria died." to end
Arguing Against Slavery ch 42
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Vol 2 ch 40
John Stuart Mill On Liberty ch 5
Sesame and Lilies - 1/3 of Lecture III
How Should We Then Live ch 13
Silas Marner ch 20-end
G.K. Chesterton essay: What is Right With the World
Walden 18. Conclusion - allow 2 weeks
Composer study
Nature Study
Picture Study
Grade Eight Week 26
Simond's Literature http://www.bibliomania.com/2/3/270 Puritan Poetry
Roar on the Other Side pg 135 A Gathering of Poems
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 234-242 lists of movies and further reading
John Bunyan's The Holy War
Poetry of Milton
This term's Shakespeare play
Kon Tiki, chapter 8: Among Polynesians
I Promessi Sposi
A Coffin for King Charles ch 10
Galileo's Daughter
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
Desiring God John Piper Appendix 5
Churchill's The New World ch 26 beginning "At the end of April..."
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Grade Ten, Week 34
Current Events: Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs
Simonds Novelists and Humorists spend two weeks
Six Easy Pieces pg 64-69 How Did it Get This Way?
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism
Silas Marner ch 17, 18, 19
Moby Dick ch 117-130
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 35
Shakespeare: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Walden 18. Conclusion - allow 2 weeks
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism
Writing Assignments
Math program
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Week 35 Grade 8
Francis Bacon essay - Of Anger
Desiring God John Piper Appendix 4
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 222-227 or 228-233 Agreement Between . . .
Roar on the Other Side pg 135 A Gathering of Poems (peruse this section over the next two weeks)
Galileo's Daughter
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
I Promessi Sposi
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
Poetry of Milton
Churchill's The New World ch 25 beginning ""James was now..."
Kon Tiki, chapter 8: Among Polynesians (spend 3 weeks)
This term's Shakespeare play
Monday, May 16, 2011
Week 34 Grade 10
Imitation of Christ or Pilgrim's Progress
Churchill: Lord Salisbury's Government from "In January 1893 the Independent" to end
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 14, 15
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 34
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 2 ch 27-37 (short chapters)
The Oregon Trail ch 23
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 64-67
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 34
Plutarch: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
How Should We Then Live ch 11
Sesame and Lilies - 1/3 of Lecture III
John Stuart Mill On Liberty ch 3
Current Events: Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs
Essay by G.K. Chesterton The Diabolist
Simonds Whittier spend two weeks
Walden 17. Spring - allow 2 weeks
Silas Marner ch 16
Moby Dick ch 115-116
Shakespeare: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Six Easy Pieces pg 63/64 Psychology
Grade One Week 34
The Bible
Viking Tales: "The Sea Fight"
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: "The Lions Share" (pg. 90 in the Milo Winter version) and "The
Aesop's Northwind and the Sun" (pg. 91 in the Milo Winter version)
Shakespeare: "Twelfth Night; Or, "What You Will"
Oxford Book of Children's Verse: a poem a day
Paddle to the Sea: chapter 26
Week 34 Grade 4
The Bible
George Washington's World: Beware the Tyrants pg 316-318, Liberty pg 319-321, A New Republic for Haiti pg 322-324, The United States Proclaimed Neutral pg 324-326, Doctor Jenner pg 327
Fabre's Story Book of Science ch 75 Running Waters
Fabre's Story Book of Science ch 76 The Swarm
Explore His Creation
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 19, following Minn's trail on a map
Poetry: William Wordsworth
Age of Fable ch 13 Clytie, Hero and Leander
Incredible Journey: ch. 10
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving spend 4 weeks as needed
Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution ch 22
Week 34 Grade 8
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 219-221 charts
This term's Shakespeare play
Poetry of Milton
Desiring God John Piper Appendix 2, 3
Churchill's The New World beginning of ch 25 to section ending "...came to pass."
A Coffin for King Charles ch 8 second half
Simond's Literature http://www.bibliomania.com/2/3/270 New England Clergy (skipping the part about the Mathers)
CM's "Ourselves" pg 126-130 ch X Humility
Roar on the Other Side pg 119 Writing, Reading and Revising
John Bunyan's The Holy War
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
Galileo's Daughter read about 35 pages a week, as desired
Kon Tiki, chapter 8: Among Polynesians (spend 3 weeks)
I Promessi Sposi ch 33, 34
Monday, May 9, 2011
Grade 10 Week 33
Churchill: Lord Salisbury's Government from beginning to "were on the grand scale."
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch second half of ch 12, ch 13
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 2 ch 19-26 (short chapters)
The Oregon Trail ch 22
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 63/64
How Should We Then Live ch 10
Sesame and Lilies - 1/2 of Preface to Later Editions
John Stuart Mill On Liberty ch 2
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn lesson 33
Current Events: Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs
Graves of Academe Every Three Second
Simonds Whittier spend two weeks
Silas Marner ch 15
Moby Dick ch 101
Writing Assignments
Nature Study
Composer Study
Hymn/Foreign Language song/Folksong
Foreign Language
Grade 8 Week 33
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 210-217 ch 42
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood
Desiring God John Piper
Churchill's The New World ch 24 beginning "The fury against the Popish plot
A Coffin for King Charles
Galileo's Daughter
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
Kon Tiki, chapter 7: To the South Sea Islands (spend 4 weeks)
I Promessi Sposi
John Bunyan's The Holy War
Poetry of Milton
This term's Shakespeare play
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Grade 10 Week 32
Imitation of Christ or Pilgrim's Progress
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee second half of ch 11, first half of ch 12
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 2 ch 18
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 61-63
Plutarch: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
How Should We Then Live ch 9
Sesame and Lilies - 1/2 of Preface to Later Editions
John Stuart Mill On Liberty ch 1
Current Events: Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs
Simonds Longfellow spend two weeks
Silas Marner ch 12, 13
Churchill: Home Rule for Ireland from "The position of the Liberal Party" to end
Moby Dick ch 88-89
Essay by G.K. Chesterton The Twelve Men
Writing Assignments
Nature Study
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 32
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism
Picture Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Composer Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Hymn/Foreign Language song/Folksong
Foreign Language
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Monday, May 2, 2011
Grade 8 Week 32
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 204-209 ch 40, 41
Francis Bacon essay - Of Honor and reputation
I Promessi Sposi
John Bunyan's The Holy War
How to read a Book ch 12
Kon Tiki, chapter 7: To the South Sea Islands (spend 4 weeks)
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
Desiring God John Piper
Churchill's The New World ch 23
A Coffin for King Charles
Galileo's Daughter
This term's Shakespeare play
Simond's Literature http://www.bibliomania.com/2/3/270 New England;
Pilgrims and Puritans
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Grade 10 week 31
Churchill: Home Rule for Ireland from beginning to "they had paid the penalty."
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee first half of chapter 11
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 2 ch 3-7
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 31
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through this chapter over the term)
The Oregon Trail ch 20
Plutarch: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
How Should We Then Live ch 8
Sesame and Lilies - 1/3 of Lecture II
Walden 16. The Pond in Winter - allow 2 weeks
Current Events: Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs
Graves of Academe The Pygmies Revenge
Silas Marner ch 11
Microbe Hunters ch 7 Metchnikoff (there are 8 sections; space it out for the week if desired)
Moby Dick ch 64-77
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 6 The Conjunction of Two Stars
Shakespeare: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Simonds Longfellow spend two weeks
Writing Assignments
Math program: Algebra 2
Nature Study
Picture Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Composer Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Hymn/Foreign Language song/Folksong
Foreign Language
Work and Life Skills
Grade 8 Week 31
Poetry of Milton
This term's Shakespeare play
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 197-203 ch 38, 39
Roar on the Other Side pg 113 Sing Darker
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood (take 3 or 4 weeks as needed)
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
Churchill's The New World ch 22 beginning "the dominant fact..."
Galileo's Daughter
Kon Tiki, chapter 7: To the South Sea Islands (spend 4 weeks)
I Promessi Sposi
Desiring God John Piper
John Bunyan's The Holy War
CM's "Ourselves" pg 118-125 ch IX Loyalty
Math: Saxon Algebra 2
Switched on Schoolhouse: Language 800
Apologia: Biology
French: Rosetta Stone
Monday, April 18, 2011
Grade 8 Week 30
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 193-196 ch 37
This term's Shakespeare play
Desiring God John Piper
Churchill's The New World ch 22 beginning "The Cavalier Parliament"
John Bunyan's The Holy War
Poetry of Milton
Galileo's Daughter
Kon Tiki, chapter 7: To the South Sea Islands (spend 4 weeks)
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
I Promessi Sposi
Simond's Literature http://www.bibliomania.com/2/3/270 English in Virginia
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood (take 3 or 4 weeks as needed)
Grade 8 Week 30
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 193-196 ch 37
This term's Shakespeare play
Desiring God John Piper
Churchill's The New World ch 22 beginning "The Cavalier Parliament"
John Bunyan's The Holy War
Poetry of Milton
Galileo's Daughter
Kon Tiki, chapter 7: To the South Sea Islands (spend 4 weeks)
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
I Promessi Sposi
Simond's Literature http://www.bibliomania.com/2/3/270 English in Virginia
William Harvey and the Discovery of the Circulation of Blood (take 3 or 4 weeks as needed)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Week 29 Grade 10
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 7, 8
Wednesday Churchill:
American "Reconstruction" entire chapter
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 1 ch17
The Oregon Trail ch 18
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 58/59
Six Easy Pieces pg 49-59 Biology (allow two weeks)
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 29
Plutarch:follow Ambleside Online's schedule
How Should We Then Live ch 5
Sesame and Lilies - 1/3 of Lecture II
Current Events: Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs
Graves of Academe The Seven Deadly Principles
Walden 15. Winter Animals - allow 2 weeks
Simonds Poe spend two weeks
Silas Marner ch 9
Moby Dick ch42-53
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 4 The Friends of the ABC (two weeks)
Shakespeare: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism
Writing Assignments
Saxon Math: Algebra 2
Nature Study Hymn/Foreign Language song/Folksong Foreign Language Work and Life Skills
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Grade 8 Week 29
Desiring God John Piper ch 7
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 189-192 ch 36
Poetry of Milton
Kon Tiki, chapter 6: Across the Pacific (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Praise
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
I Promessi Sposi
The Holy War
Marshall's English Literature Ch LIX Bunyan--"The Pilgrim's Progress"
Churchill's The New World ch 21 beginning "The Wheel had not..." to ch 22 section ending "you have made the word of a king for it. (Longest parliament, Clarendon Code)
Galileo's Daughter read about 35 pages a week, as desired
This term's Shakespeare play
Math: Saxon Algebra 1
Switched on Schoolhouse: Language 800
Apologia: Biology
French: Rosetta Stone
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Week 28 Grade 8
Poetry of Milton
I Promessi Sposi
CM's "Ourselves" pg 112-117 ch VIII Courage
Marshall's English Literature Ch LVIII Milton--Darkness and Death
Roar on the Other Side pg 99 Genres
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 183-188 ch 34, 35
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
Galileo's Daughter read about 35 pages a week, as desired
Kon Tiki, chapter 6: Across the Pacific (spend 4 weeks)
John Bunyan's The Holy War
Desiring God John Piper
Churchill's The New World ch 21, beginning of chapter
A Coffin for King Charles ch 5 first half
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Week 27 Grade 10
Imitation of Christ or Pilgrim's Progress - work through this during the term; if necessary, continue through the summer
Churchill: Gladstone and Disraeli from beginning to "from this glittering prospect."
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 4, 5
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 1 ch 7, 8
The Oregon Trail ch 15
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 52-55
Plutarch: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
How Should We Then Live ch 3
Sesame and Lilies - 1/4 of Lecture I
Current Events: Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs
Graves of Academe The End of the String
Simonds Hawthorne spend two weeks
Silas Marner ch 4, 5
Moby Dick ch 18-31
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 27
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through this chapter over the term)
Six Easy Pieces pg 48/49 Chemistry
Walden 14. Former Inhabitants; & Winter Visitors - allow 2 weeks
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 3 The Grandfather and the Grandson
Shakespeare: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Every day
Writing Assignments
Continue working through your Math program
Nature Study
Picture Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Composer Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Hymn/Foreign Language song/Folksong
Foreign Language
Work and Life Skills - reading? Bible
Week 27 Grade 8
Desiring God John Piper ch 1,2
Marshall's English Literature Ch LVIII Milton--Darkness and Death
Roar on the Other Side pg 99 Genres
Poetry of Milton
Desiring God John Piper ch 3
Churchill's The New World ch 21, beginning of chapter, to section ending "supreme day of joy."
Galileo's Daughter read about 35 pages a week, as desired
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
Desiring God John Piper ch 4,5
CM's "Ourselves" pg 112-117 ch VIII Courage
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 183-188 ch 34, 35
This term's Shakespeare play
Desiring God John Piper ch 6
Kon Tiki, chapter 6: Across the Pacific (spend 4 weeks)
I Promessi Sposi ch 20, 21, 22
John Bunyan's The Holy War
Math: Saxon Algebra 1
Switched on Schoolhouse: Language 800
Apologia: Biology
French: Rosetta Stone
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Grade Ten, Week 26
Read The One Year Bible everyday
Pilgrim's Progress -
Churchill: The Rise of Germany from "The war seemed over." to end (short section)
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 3
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 1 ch 4-6
The Oregon Trail ch 14
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 49-52
How Should We Then Live ch 2
Sesame and Lilies - 1/4 of Lecture I
Read Paston Nathans Blog
Graves of Academe Propositions Three and Seven
Essay by Frederick Douglass My Escape From Slavery
Simonds Thoreau spend two weeks
Silas Marner ch 3
Moby Dick ch 8-17
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 2 The Grand Bourgeois
Writing Assignments
Microbe Hunters ch 4 Koch (there are 8 sections; space it out for the week if desired)
Walden 13. House-Warming - allow 2 weeks
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 26
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 3 Post Impressionism (work through this chapter over the term)
Picture Study:
Composer Study:
Hymn/Foreign Language song/Folksong
Foreign Language: French Rosetta Stone
Week 26 Grade Eight
Desiring God John Piper ch 2, 3
Poetry of Milton
Francis Bacon essay - Of Studies
A Coffin for King Charles ch 4 first half
John Donne's funeral speech 1631 spend three weeks
This term's Shakespeare play
Galileo's Daughter read about 35 pages a week, as desired
Kon Tiki, chapter 6: Across the Pacific (spend 4 weeks)
I Promessi Sposi ch 16, 17
Marshall's English Literature Ch LVI Herrick and MarvellL--Of Blossoms and Bowers
How to read a Book ch 11
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 169-177 ch 31, 32
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
Churchill's The New World from ch 19 beginning "At the moment when the axe..." to ch 20
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
Math: Saxon Algebra 1
Switched on Schoolhouse: Language 800
Apologia: Biology
French: Rosetta Stone
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Week 25 Grade 10
moby dick ch 1
Churchill: The Rise of Germany from beginning to "the sentence was not carried out."
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee ch 1, 2
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Book 1 ch 1-3
moby dick ch 2-3
The Oregon Trail ch 12, 13
Plutarch: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
How Should We Then Live ch 1
Sesame and Lilies - 1/4 of Lecture I
Current Events: Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs
Graves of Academe Foreword
Simonds Thoreau spend two weeks
Silas Marner ch 1, 2
Moby Dick ch 4-5
Les Miserables Vol 3 Book 1 Paris Atomized
Shakespeare: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Six Easy Pieces pg 47/48 Relation of Science Introduction
Walden 13. House-Warming - allow 2 weeks
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 25
moby dick ch 6-7
Writing Assignments
Continue working through your Math program
Nature Study
Picture Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Composer Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Hymn/Foreign Language song/Folksong
Foreign Language
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 25 Grade 8
Churchill's The New World ch 19 up to pg 292, ending at "...the curse of Cromwell."
John Donne's funeral speech 1631 spend three weeks
A Coffin for King Charles ch 3
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 158-168 ch 30
Desiring God John Piper introduction, ch 1
Galileo's Daughter read about 35 pages a week, as desired
Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England by Sir Charles Firth
I Promessi Sposi ch 14, 15
Marshall's English Literature Ch LV Herbert--The Parson Poet
John Bunyan's The Holy War - spread the book over the 12-Week term (book has no chapter divisions)
CM's "Ourselves" pg 108-111 ch VIII Gratitude
Roar on the Other Side pg 81 More Formalities
Poetry of Milton
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Math: Saxon Algebra 1
Switched on Schoolhouse: Language 800
Apologia: Biology
French: Rosetta Stone
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Churchill: The Victory of the Union entire chapter
Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 13 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 27-29
Arguing Slavery ch 41
The Oregon Trail ch 11
Plutarch: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
One Blood ch 11 The Last Adam's Race, What Does It Matter?
Current Events: Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs
The Deadliest Monster ch 6
Essay by Frederick Douglass An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage
History of English Lit Ch 85 Tennyson--The Poet of Friendship spend two weeks
Frankenstein ch 24-end
Les Miserables Vol 2 Book 8 Cemeteries Take What is Given Them (two weeks)
Shakespeare: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
The Book on Writing ch 24
Writing Assignments
Walden 12. Brute Neighbors - allow 2 weeks
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 24
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work through this chapter over the term)
Continue working through your Math program
Picture Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Composer Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Hymn/Foreign Language song/Folksong
Foreign Language
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Week 24 Grade 4
The Bible
George Washington's World:
Olaudah Equiano pg 158-160,
Spain's New Colony pg 161-165,
Over The Mountain With Boone pg 165-167,
Rebellion in Massachusetts pg 168-172,
The First Congress pg 173-175
Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch. 8 OR Explore His Creation
Poetry: Emily Dickinson
Age of Fable ch 8 Apollo and Hyacinthus
Kidnapped ch 19, 20
Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution ch 12
George Washington's World:
Rebellion in Massachusetts pg 168-172,
The First Congress pg 173-175
Grade One Week 24
The Bible
An Island Story: chapter 14 "The Story of Gregory and the Pretty Children"
Fifty Famous Stories Retold "Grace Darling" (1842)
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: "The Fox and the Leopard" (pg. 52 in the Milo Winter version) and "The Heron" (pg. 54 in the Milo Winter version)
James Herriot's Treasury: "The Market Square Dog"
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Grade 8 Week 24
Izaak Walton's Life on John Donne paragraphs 126-end
Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England by Sir Charles Firth
Sower biography of Kepler read about 17 pages a week
I Promessi Sposi ch 11, 12, 13
Poetry of John Donne
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
A Coffin for King Charles ch 2 second half
Utopia Of the Religions of the Utopians spend 5 weeks
Diary of Samuel Pepys excerpts
Kon Tiki, chapter 5: Halfway (spend 4 weeks)
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 152-157 ch 28, 29
This term's Shakespeare play
Every Day-
Math: Saxon Algebra 1
Switched on Schoolhouse: Language 800
Apologia: Biology
French: Rosetta Stone
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Week 23 Grade 10
Churchill: Chancellorsville and Gettysburg from "We must now turn to the West" to end
Arguing Against Slavery ch 27
Queen Victoria by Sarah Tytler Vol 1 ch 19
Eothen ch 20
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 44-48
One Blood ch 10 Ota Benga
Frankenstein ch 22, 23
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 10
The Book on Writing ch 23
Walden 12. Brute Neighbors - allow 2 weeks
Work through a Shakespeare play during the term
Work through a Plutarch's Life this term
Foreign Language
Singing/Folksongs/Composer study
Nature Study and your Science Program
Picture Study
Grade 8 Week 23
Sower biography of Kepler read about 17 pages a week
Marshall's English Literature Ch LIV About Some Lyric Poets
Izaak Walton's Life on John Donne paragraphs 118-125
Poetry of John Donne
Diary of Samuel Pepys excerpts
CM's "Ourselves" pg 103-107 ch VI Generosity
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 146-151 ch 27
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
I Promessi Sposi ch 9, 10
Kon Tiki, chapter 5: Halfway (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Youth and Age
This term's Shakespeare play
king's campaign' to ch 18 'who should dragoon them?'
A Coffin for King Charles ch 2 first half
Utopia Of the Religions of the Utopians spend 5 weeks
Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England by Sir Charles Firth
Math: Saxon Algebra 1
Switched on Schoolhouse: Language 800
Apologia: Biology
French: Rosetta Stone
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Book Review: The Organized Home Schooler
Week 22 Grade 4
George Washington's World: Italy the Land of Beauty pg 140-142, A King and a Painter of Spain pg 143, The Corsairs of Algiers pg 144, The Turkish Empire pg 145-147, Poland pg 147-148
Madam How and Lady Why: first third ch. 8
Poetry: Emily Dickinson
Age of Fable ch 8 Dryope
Kidnapped ch 15, 16
Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution ch 10
Tapestry of Grace Bible
Saxon Math 5/4
Switched on School House Grade 4 Lang
Tapestry of Grace History and Geography
Science: Exploring Creation with the Human Body
Music: Composer Study,
Week 22 Grade One
An Island Story: chapter 13 "The Founding of the Round Table"
Fifty Famous Stories Retold: "Maximillian and the Gooseherd" (King of Bavaria, 1800's)
Trial and Triumph: chapter 6 "Monica and Augustine Christian" Mother and Son (354-430 AD)
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Burgess's Bird Book: choose one chapter based on geographic region and season
Aesop's Fables: "The Vain Jackdaw and his Borrowed Feathers" (pg. 47 in the Milo Winter version) and "The Monkey and the Cat" (pg. 50 in the Milo Winter version)
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Paddle to the Sea: chapter 17
Bible: Tapestry of Grace
Saxon grade One Math
RightStart Math
Music: Composer Study, Scales: Piano and Guitar
French: Rosetta Stone
Lang: Abeka Lang One
Letters and Sounds
Science: Exploring Creation through the Human Body
History and Geography: Tapestry of Grace Unit Study: Egypt
Week 22 Grade Ten
Arguing Slavery ch 38, 39
Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 11 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 24
The Oregon Trail ch 9
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 43/44
Plutarch: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
One Blood ch 9 Darwin's Body Snatchers
Current Events: Keep up with your choice of periodicals or blogs
The Deadliest Monster ch 5
Essay by Frederick Douglass Reconstruction
History of English Lit Ch 84 Dickens--Smiles and Tears spend two weeks
Frankenstein ch 20, 21
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 9
Shakespeare: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Walden 11. Higher Laws - allow 2 weeks
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 22
Writing Assignments
Six Easy Pieces pg 38-47 Nuclei and particles
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work through this chapter over the term)
Nature Study
Picture Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Composer Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Hymn/Foreign Language song/Folksong
Foreign Language
Work and Life Skills - reading?
Grade 8 Week 22
Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England by Sir Charles Firth
Sower biography of Kepler read about 17 pages a week
Izaak Walton's Life on John Donne paragraphs 94-98
Poetry of John Donne
William Bradford's Journal - selections
Utopia Of the Religions of the Utopians spend 5 weeks
I Promessi Sposi ch 6, 7
This term's Shakespeare play
Marshall's English Literature Ch LII Bacon--New Ways of Wisdom
Diary of Samuel Pepys excerpts
CM's "Ourselves" pg 99-102 ch V Kindness
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 133-136 ch 25
Kon Tiki, chapter 4: Across the Pacific
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
Monday, February 7, 2011
Grade 1, Week 21
Fifty Famous Stories Retold: "How Napoleon Crossed the Alps" (1800's)
Aesop's Fables: "The Mice and the Weasels" (pg. 44 in the Milo Winter version) and "The Wolf and the Lean Dog" (pg. 44 in the Milo Winter version)
George Washington by Ingri D'Aulaire take: 1-3 weeks as needed
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
James Herriot's Treasury: "Blossom Comes Home"
Paddle to the Sea: chapter 16
Grade 4, Week 21
George Washington's World:
His Majesty George III pg 122-129,
Frederick the Miser and Louis the Waster pg 130-132,
George Washington's World:
Marie Antoinette pg 133-135, Lafayette pg 136-139,
Enter Napoleon Buonaparte pg 139
Trial and Triumph ch 33. John Wesley The World His Parish (1703-1791)
Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch.
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 12, following Minn's trail on a map
Poetry: Emily Dickinson
Age of Fable ch 8 Pygmalion
Kidnapped ch 13, 14
Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution ch 9
Grade Ten, Week 21
Arguing Slavery ch 36, 37
The Oregon Trail ch 8
Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 10 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 22, 23
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 41-43
One Blood ch 8 Stone Age People
Vision of the Anointed ch 9
History of English Lit Ch 84 Dickens--Smiles and Tears spend two weeks
Frankenstein ch 18, 19
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 8
Shakespeare: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
The Book on Writing ch 21
Walden 11. Higher Laws - allow 2 weeks
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 21
History of Art Pt 4 Modern World ch 2 Realism and Impressionism (work through this chapter over the term)
Hymn/Foreign Language song/Folksong
Foreign Language: French Rosetta Stone
Week 21 Grade 8
Diary of Samuel Pepys
Izaak Walton's Life on John Donne paragraphs 94-98
Sower biography of Kepler read about 17 pages a week
Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England by Sir Charles Firth
Utopia Of the Religions of the Utopians spend 5 weeks
Poetry of John Donne
I Promessi Sposi ch 6, 7
Marshall's English Literature Ch LII Bacon--New Ways of Wisdom
Kon Tiki, chapter 4: Across the Pacific (spend 2 weeks)
William Bradford's Journal - selections
CM's "Ourselves" pg 99-102 ch V Kindness
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 133-136 ch 25
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Grade 8 Week 20
Utopia Of the Religions of the Utopians spend 5 weeks
Izaak Walton's Life on John Donne paragraphs 67-81
William Bradford's Journal - selections
Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England by Sir Charles Firth
Sower biog raphy of Kepler read about 17 pages a week
I Promessi Sposi ch 1, 2
Marshall's English Literature Ch LI Raleigh--"The History of the World"
Kon Tiki, chapter 4: Across the Pacific (spend 2 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Riches
Diary of Samuel Pepys excerpts
This term's Shakespeare play
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 127-132 ch 23, 24
Poetry of John Donne
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
How to read a Book ch 10
Utopia Of Their Military Discipline spend 2 weeks
Izaak Walton's Life on John Donne paragraphs 82-93
Poetry of John Donne
This term's Life from Marshall's English Literature Ch L Raleigh--"The Revenge"
Diary of Samuel Pepys excerpts
William Bradford's Journal – selections
Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
I Promessi Sposi ch 3, 4, 5
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Grade 10 Week 19
The Oregon Trail ch 6
Plutarch: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
One Blood ch 6
Vision of the Anointed ch 7
History of English Lit Ch 83 Thackeray--The Cynic spend two weeks
Frankenstein ch 13, 14, 15
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 6
Walden 10. Baker Farm - allow 2 weeks
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 19
Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England by Sir Charles Firth
Sower biography of Kepler read about 17 pages a week
Utopia Of Their Military Discipline spend 2 weeks
Izaak Walton's Life on John Donne paragraphs 67-81
Poetry of John Donne
Marshall's English Literature Ch L Raleigh--"The Revenge"
Diary of Samuel Pepys excerpts
William Bradford's Journal - selections
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
This term's Shakespeare play
I Promessi Sposi ch 1, 2
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Week 18, Grade One
Fifty Famous Stories Retold: "Whittington" (Britain, 1423)
Aesop's Fables: "The Ass and the Load of Salt" (pg. 32 in the Milo Winter version)
"The Lion and the Gnat" (pg. 34 in the Milo Winter version)
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Paddle to the Sea: chapter 12
Blue Fairy Book: "Master Maid" (Unnecessary cruelty to her suitors. Couldn't she just say no?) OR "Prince Hyacinth"
Week 18 Grade Four
George Washington's World: French and Indian War pg 75-80, Seven Years War Begins pg 81-82, The Empire Builder pg 83-85, Leave Our Land pg 86-89, George III pg 90-90
Madam How and Lady Why: last third ch.
Physics Lab in the Home: Heat on the Move, pg. 37; Conduction, pg. 37
Minn of the Mississippi, chapter 10, following Minn's trail on a map
Shakespeare: A midsummers Night Dream
Plutarch: Romulas
Poetry: Emily Dickinson
Age of Fable ch 7 Proserpine spend 2 weeks as needed
Kidnapped ch 7, 8
Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution ch 6
Week 18 Grade Ten
Arguing Slavery ch 30b (from pg 370), ch 31
Hamilton's Story of Lincoln ch 6 OR Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 6 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 15-17
The Oregon Trail ch 5
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 31/32
Plutarch: Romulas
One Blood ch 5 Interracial Marriage
Vision of the Anointed ch 6
The Deadliest Monster ch 3
Essay by Quiller-Couch Some Principles Reaffirmed
History of English Lit Ch 83 Thackeray--The Cynic spend two weeks
Frankenstein ch 10, 11, 12
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 5
The Book on Writing ch 18
Shakespeare: A Mid Summers Night Dream
Walden 9. The Ponds - allow 2 weeks
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 18
Picture Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Composer Study: follow Ambleside Online's schedule
Week 18 Grade Eight
Westward Ho ch 31
Izaak Walton's Life on John Donne paragraphs 56-66
Poetry of John Donne
This term's Shakespeare play
Westward Ho ch 32
William Bradford's Journal – selections
Marshall's English Literature Ch XLIX Jonson--"The Sad Shepherd"
Utopia Of Their Military Discipline spend 2 weeks
Sower biography of Kepler read about 17 pages a week
Diary of Samuel Pepys excerpts
This term's Life from Plutarch's Lives
Westward Ho ch 33
Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England by Sir Charles Firth
CM's "Ourselves" pg 95-98 ch ch IV Sympathy
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Great Scripture Challenge!
Last weeks verses: Colossians 1:1-2
Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timotheus our brother, vs2 To the saints, and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
This Weeks Verses: Colossians 1:3-4
We give thanks to God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you. vs 4 Since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints,
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Week 17, Grade 10
Arguing Slavery ch 28, 29, 30 (up tp pg 370)
Hamilton's Story of Lincoln ch 5 OR Nicolay's Boys Lincoln ch 5 OR Thayer's Abraham Lincoln ch 12-14
The Oregon Trail ch 3, 4
Ourselves, Book 2 pg 29-31
Plutarch: follow Ambleside Online's Schedule
One Blood ch 4 One Race
Vision of the Anointed ch 5
Frankenstein ch 8, 9
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ch 4
Shakespeare: A Midsummers Night
The Book on Writing ch 17
Writing Assignments
Walden 9. The Ponds - allow 2 weeks
Nature Study
Fallacy Detective by N and H Bluedorn - Lesson 17
Composer Study:
Rosetta Stone French
Science: Apologia Chemistry
Tapastry of Grace History
Tapastry of Grace Bible
Music: Theory
Guitar practice
Piano: chords
Week 17 Grade 8
David Howarth's Voyage of the Armada ch 17
Utopia Of Their Slaves, and of Their Marriages spend 2 weeks
Izaak Walton's Life on John Donne paragraphs 46-55
Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England by Sir Charles Firth
Sower biography of Kepler read about 17 pages a week
Westward Ho ch 30
Kon Tiki, chapter 3: To South America (spend 4 weeks)
Francis Bacon essay - Of Suspicion, Of Discourse
Diary of Samuel Pepys excerpts
Whatever Happened to Justice pg 111-113 ch 20
Poetry of John Donne
Plutarch's Lives
Saxon Math Algebra 1
Tapestry of Grace History and Copy work
Tapestry of Grace Bible
Rosetta Stone French
Music Practical: Piano
Nature Study
Science: Apologia Biology
Week 17, Grade Four
George Washington's World: Benjamin Franklin Looks and Learns pg 59-59, Fray Junipero Serra pg 62,
Trial and Triumph ch 32. George Whitefield Great Awakening Preacher (1714-1770)
Age of Fable ch 6 Baucis and Philemon
Qianlong and the Barbarians pg 67-70, India and the European Traders pg 71-72, France and England in America pg 73-74
Madam How and Lady Why: second third ch. 6
Poetry: Emily Dickinson
Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution ch 5
The Sign of the Beaver Chapter 3
Tapestry of Grace Bible
Saxon Math 5/4
Switched on School House Grade 4 Lang
Tapestry of Grace History and Geography
Science: Exploring Creation with the Human Body
Music: Composer Study,
Grade One Reading List, Week 17
A.A. Milne: a poem a day
Aesop's Fables: "The Ass, the Fox and the Lion" (pg. 36 in the Milo Winter version) and "The Birds, the Beasts and the Bat" (pg. 37 in the Milo Winter version)
Paddle to the Sea: chapter 13
Parables from Nature: "Training and Restraining"
Fifty Famous Stories Retold: "Casablanca" (1500's)
Bible: Tapestry of Grace
Saxon grade One Math
RightStart Math
Music: Composer Study, Scales: Piano and Guitar
French: Rosetta Stone
Lang: Abeka Lang One
Letters and Sounds
Science: Exploring Creation through the Human Body
History and Geography: Tapestry of Grace Unit Study: Egypt